JewelStruck Blog

Ruby & Diamond Floral Pendant Set in yellow & white gold

by Shilpee Nagota on Nov.08, 2009, under Jewelry Designs

Pendant Set with Yellow Gold , White Gold , Ruby and Diamonds

Ruby & Diamond Floral Pendant Set in yellow & white gold

  • Product name :- Pendant Set
  • Style of Jewelry :- Floral
  • Metals used :- White Gold , Yellow Gold
  • Settings used :- Prong in Ruby and Bezel and Pave in Diamonds
  • Stones used :- Ruby and Diamonds.

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Amethyst, Pearl and Crystal Necklace

by Maura Nicholson on Nov.08, 2009, under Handmade Jewelry

Amethyst,pearl and crystal necklace
Amethyst, Pearl and Crystal Necklace

I love anything purple and this amethyst is gorgeous, I have mixed it with freshwater pearls and crystal beads. I do draw a lot of my designs as they come to me but I also just set stones I like and see what happens! This necklace was one of those ‘see what happens’ moments. Check my website for more.

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Yellow Gold Pendant with Unique Combination of Blue Sapphire, Peridot and Diamonds

by Shilpee Nagota on Nov.08, 2009, under Jewelry Designs

Yellow Gold Pendant with Unique Combination of Blue Sapphire , Peridot , Citrine and Diamond

Yellow Gold Pendant with Unique Combination of Blue Sapphire , Peridot and Diamond

  • Product name :- Pendant
  • Style of Jewelry :- Traditional , Unique
  • Metals used :- Yellow Gold
  • Settings used :- Prong in Blue Sapphire, Pave in Diamonds, Bezel in Peridot
  • Stones used :- Blue Sapphire, Peridot and Diamonds.

To know more about us please visit

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A Gemstone Each Month Series (GEMS) – Citrine for November

by JewelStruck on Nov.06, 2009, under GEMS

As the name suggest, we have planned to research more – analyze more – collect more and post more about one particular gemstone each month.

You will still find regular interesting posts as before on Jewelry in general, but just more about one particular gemstone each month. All these posts will be categorized as GEMS.

November Gemstone – Citrine

Being one of the three traditional November birthstones, choosing Citrine for GEM of this month was easier.

Citrine is the French word for lemon. This gemstone has a beautiful yellow color. It was believed that is was sent as a gift from the sun. It has been used as an antidote for snake venom. Citrine symbolizes joy and happiness.

Citrine bracelet from crimeajewel by londontanty.

Citrine Bracelet

It is a variety of quartz whose color ranges from a pale yellow to brown. It is nearly impossible to tell cut citrine from yellow topaz visibly. Although often cut as a gemstone, citrine is actually somewhat rare in nature. It has ferric impurities and most of citrines in the market are either heat treated amethyst or smoky quartz. One can find natural citrine with low levels of Iron in the mines of Brazil. Spain, Scotland, Argentina, Namibia and Myanmar also have mines with natural deposits.

So this was just to start with Citrine –  The November GEM..  do wait for more posts on Citrine coming up sooner.

If you love citrine, have created something beautiful using citrine, or if you just want to share some info about citrine. Please leave a comment or email us at :-

Obviously if its interesting and we publish it, you will be getting credit for whatever you are sharing :-)

Image Credit :-  londontanty

Citrine Rio Grande by

Citrine is a variety of quartz whose color ranges from a pale yellow to brown. It is nearly

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19th annual MJSA Vision Awards – Jewelry Design Competition

by JewelStruck on Nov.05, 2009, under News & Events

Celebrating outstanding talent in the field of jewelry design, Manufacturing Jewelers and Suppliers of America (MJSA) has started accepting entries for the 19th annual MJSA Vision Awards Design Competition.

Rules & Categories

Entries can be submitted before January 15, 2010. They are accepting entries in 5 different categories, which include

  • Design Excellence – for designs that exhibit exceptional creativity, craftsmanship and marketability
  • Visionary Technical Solution – for designs in which specific technical challenges, such as combining two non-complementary metals were overcome to take the piece from concept to completion
  • Laser Distinction – for entries in which the design relied upon the use of a laser (sponsored by LaserStar Technologies)
  • Gold Distinction – for entries that include a minimum of 75 percent of a karat gold alloy in the design (sponsored by Hoover & Strong).
  • Future of the Industry Award – In addition, students in any jewelry-related program may submit rendered designs for the Future of the Industry Award, which recognizes exceptional design achievement and potential


All MJSA Vision Award winners will be honored at a March 16 ceremony during the annual MJSA Expo New York. Winning entries will also be on display at the Expo for thousands of buyers and exhibitors and they will be featured or recognized in special ad pages in InStore magazine, Metalsmith magazine, and the association’s own MJSA Journal.

How to

For submission guidelines, or to download an entry form, go to the Career Center at or e-mail For more information, call MJSA at (800) 444-6572.

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